Commercial Dog Photography: Dooloop
Sometimes a product so simple yet so genius and so life-changing comes along and you think how have I lived my entire life without this? Let me introduce you to the dooloop. *angels sing* The dooloop is an amazing little accessory that attaches to your leash and holds your dog’s full poop bags so you don’t have to. I didn’t think I cared about carrying poop bags but then I tried it and was immediately hooked. I’m not saying this because dooloop hired me to — they only hired me to photograph it — but I’m telling you: it’s amazing and you need to go get one right now. Better yet, buy one for your BFF, too!
I really, really enjoyed this photo shoot for a few reasons… First, awesome doggos + humans. Second, amazing product. Third, it was a unique and fun challenge to figure out how to make poop bags memorable! And just in case you were wondering… we did not have real poop in the bags. ;)
Now go buy a dooloop for yourself! You’ll LOVE it!
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