Finding the Perfect Dog Models for a commercial photo shoot
If you follow my Instagram account, you have seen me post open casting model calls for commercial photo shoots. The world of dog modeling can be a strange and confusing place and the last thing a brand wants is to jump down that rabbit hole on their own.
So, I can do it for them!
I have a select list of “rockstar models” — the ones I know, love, and who have been expertly trained to perform great under almost any circumstance — but I also have a pack of aspiring models who are waiting and excited to be part of a new project! Couple that with my social media reach and it’s like my secret arsenal full of fur, slobber, and all the quirks any brand could ever need.
If you’re curious how my clients and I choose the dog models we’re going to use, then keep reading…
First, my client and I talk through their wants and needs
- What is being photographed and what type of dog will represent it the best?
Brands showcasing leashes and collars call for short-haired dogs so their products can be fully seen and appreciated, whereas brands selling grooming products need a dog who loves bath time and doesn’t look miserable when wet! - Does the client or brand prefer a certain breed of dog?
- This is where knowing your target audience comes into play. We want to know who we need to reach. Who are their dogs? Are their dogs purebreds or mixes? It’s important to ensure the dog models are relatable to each brand’s target audience.
- What size dog are the products made for? For example: large breed dog beds don’t need a chihuahua, they need a Great Dane, right? (Right!)
- Are any breeds off-limits? Some brands need — or don’t need — certain breeds to represent their product or service.
- Will the products look best on light-colored or dark-colored dogs? I’m fur-real about this one! Coat color can make or break the imagery you need.
Then, the model search begins!
Once I know what the client wants and the brand’s aesthetic expectations, I take to my secret fur arsenal to find the perfect doggo models. I’ll run through my previous models and clients first to assess if any of them meet the requirements for this particular shoot.
I have a list of questions I’ll ask the dog mom or dog dad to determine if their pup is a good fit. Questions like:
- Are you available on x date in y location at z time?
- Can your dog be off leash and does she have rock-solid recall?
- Does your dog have strong sit, down, and stay commands?
- Is your dog house-trained?
- Does your dog love to {whatever action we need them to take at the shoot}?
Identifying A Dog’s Biggest Asset
Each dog model has an angle or special trait that makes him unique. We think about what type of pet photography would play to each pet’s strengths. We want to choose dogs who naturally enjoy doing the behavior we’re after. If we’re photographing fetch toys, then we want dogs who love to play fetch! If we’re photographing comfy dog beds, we want dogs who just love to relax at home. If we’re photographing dental treats…then you guessed it, we want dogs who love to chew on dental treats!
Dog Model Tip: The level of obedience training a potential dog has is vital information. (Hint: we generally want dogs who have stellar sit, down, stay, and recall commands at a bare minimum.)
This is an important step where we’re looking for the perfect balance of training, energy level, special traits, size, breed and comfort with the scouted location (indoor versus outdoor, leashed versus unleashed).
Friendly reminder: A professional dog photographer is more than just a photographer. We have a trained eye for all.the.things people photographers tend to overlook.
If I could photograph every dog that inquires when I have model calls, I would but with commercial photo shoots, we need dogs who will fit the brand’s needs while also being able to perform the required behaviors quickly and accurately.
Westway isn’t an animal talent agency, but if your commercial photography concept requires the recruitment of canine talent, chances are I can find the right dog to bring your vision to life!
Kim Pravettone says
My dog “Samson” can do all those things and more
Kim Pravettone says
Honestly I know my dog is special. He is a Golden Doodle. His mother was a golden retriever and his dad is a standard black poodle. He is he loves to run and jump. He also loves the water. One time I was crying and he came to to me and licked my tears.
Kathy Nash says
I have a chihuahua/pug mix that I recurred from Mexico…she is undoubtedly a very unique dog…everywhere I go people are snapping photos of her…she has all that you mention above and more !!! How can I get you some photos.
Terran says
The best thing to do is follow along on my social media ( or or sign up for my email list ( so you’re notified of any upcoming open casting model calls! :)