Happy Thanksgiving | Take a moment to acknowledge the good
I love Thanksgiving! Few things make me happier than cooking a big dinner to be enjoyed by family and friends. I remember in 2005, I cooked my first Thanksgiving for the whole family. I read cooking tips from everyone from Martha to Emeril and decided to try brining the bird the night before. I mean, hey, it’s just Thanksgiving… go ahead, experiment! You have absolutely no idea what you’re doing, anyway! Thankfully, it was such a big hit, the parents and grandparents agreed that Thanksgiving was now mine for the long haul… and I was good with that.
Every Thanksgiving, I like to reflect back on the year a bit and remind myself that I have so much to be thankful for!
First, I have an amazing family. Greg is always there by my side, supporting me in every way he can. And he brings me food. Good man. Roxy reminds me to get out and play, hike, and chase lizards like they were dreams. And my mom! My mom is the best there is! She worked her butt off to raise me and give me every opportunity available. And now, she does everything from reminding me to step away and take a walk to helping with Roxy when I have appointments that cut into puppy-dinnertime to bringing me Starbucks to running errands when I just don’t have enough time. In other words, she keeps me sane and I am so, so grateful. Then there’s my family back home who text me every day and remind me that we’re not really all that far away. There’s the ranch family who we see on the weekends and get to eat ridiculously sinfully delicious food with. Fried dough stuffed with cookie dough and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar, anyone? And my niece, Katie Jo, who brings me so much happiness every time she’s with us… and who gives me an excuse to eat s’mores for breakfast (good s’morning!), lunch (let’s eat s’munch!), and dinner (good s’mevening!).
Next, my clients. Without them this business wouldn’t be, well, a business! From design clients to pet portrait clients, every one of you make the world go ’round. You allow me to live this amazing dream and for that I am forever grateful. I love getting to be a part of your lives and making an positive impact.
And I can’t forget about business partners and supporters! My friend-turned-partner, Allison, and I have some big stuff in the works that we both dreamed about but probably couldn’t have made happen on our own… that’s all coming in 2017. Pittsburgh-pet-photographer-extraordinaire Nicole, who is helping bring my dream of teaching a pet photography workshop to life in 2017… and in Breckenridge, CO, of all places! And of course Loree and Tess, who shout my name from the rooftops, are my trusty booth neighbors at events, and who are two of the best people around.
Finally, this year in particular, I’m so grateful for the most amazing business branding and marketing coach, Nichole, who is pushing me to answer the hard questions, giving me mountains of homework to do, and is cheering me on as I hit some major milestones and get ready to take Westway Studio to a whole new level in 2017. She reminds me to celebrate my big wins — even if she has to make me! I am one who typically just says “yay!” and moves along toward the next milestone. There’s something to be said for getting to wear a fancy new pair of shoes :) out around town and know that they’re something really, really special.
What are you thankful for this year?
I want to know! Leave a comment below! :)
Greg says
I am thankful for you Terran! You are so talented! Love you!
Maria Diehl says
I am thankful that my path crossed the path of the Bayer family and that I’ve lived vicariously through all you think and do in a world that I would not have otherwise known. I’ve always loved animals and your stories make me laugh, cry. smile and enjoy your adventures to the fullest. I am definitely thankful for you.